The Local Cruise Team in Elduvík is ready

27. mai 2023

Spitsbergen calls our beautiful village Elduvík on Monday 29 May 2023. The ship will anchor and the passengers will come ashore in zodiac boats.

There are about 12 people living in Elduvík and they have, together with the Port of Runavík and Visit Runavík, developed this local sustainable product for expedition cruise ships. The village only welcomes three ships per year. 

The locals offer several experiences amongst other home café, souvenir shop in the old school, church visit and hymn singing, fish soup in a local home, guided strolls through the village, Faroese Chain dance and a hiking tour with local guide. 

Spitsbergen has called Elduvík several times before and this time there are approximately 137 people onboard. The ship will arrive at 7:00 and depart at 17:00. The ship’s agent in the Faroe Islands is Faroe Ship.

A local and warm welcome to Spitsbergen.

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